Monday, May 4, 2009

CCSU Drag Queen King Ball

I had to write about this because it definitely is a subculture in itself and a form of great entertainment. I attended my first drag queen/king ball at CCSU this past Wednesday night. Having an openly gay male friend that is (usually) totally against drag actually performing, I felt obligated to attend to see him dance the night away in heels as his alter ego Heyonce. Yes, he is obessed with Beyonce, so it was quite fitting for him to be Heyonce lol. Anyways, I had no idea what to expect here! Walking in I was surrounded by men in dresses and makeups that looked better than most girls on a girls night out. CCSU works with professional drag queens to put on a benefit every semester, and this year, the talent was exceptional. One drag queen performed to Britney Spears and Lady GaGa songs, and I must say looked 10 x better than the actual Britney. How any man can dress up in woman's clothing, wigs, make up, and heels and still do splits and dance around like they were wearing sneakers, deserves major credit. These drag queens had exceptional dance moves, thriving personalities, and some of the thickest heels I have ever seen. I enjoyed the show a lot more than expected after getting over the tons of men in dresses lol.

1 comment:

  1. I was in the Student Center eating my dinner as this was going on.

    It was fun bumping into you, and by your review, I wish that I could have stayed, although I did have that paper to type.
